Did Virgil Texas Groom and Sexually Exploit a 17-Year-Old Girl?

School Bond Dogs Archive
3 min readJun 13, 2021


Virgil Texas Justice Cass groomed a 17-year-old as a 35-year-old man.

Rumors that former Chapo Trap House co-host “Virgil Texas” aka Justin Cass violated age-of-consent laws have been floating around the internet for years, but it wasn’t until June 8, 2021 that an anonymous accuser came forward with a detailed account of what happened and when:

Virgil Texas Justice Cass groomed a 17-year-old as a 34-year-old man.
Virgil Texas Justice Cass groomed a 17-year-old as a 34-year-old man.

In response to a mocking commenter, “Jennifer Seberg” posted explicit details of what she said went on between them:

Virgil Texas Justice Cass groomed a 17-year-old as a 34-year-old man.

She also clarified that she was 17, not 16, during the time period in question (he was 35).

Virgil Texas Justice Cass groomed a 17-year-old as a 35-year-old man.

And she later posted part of Texas’ phone number from an iCloud account she used at the time to communicate with him:

Virgil Texas Justice Cass groomed a 17-year-old as a 35-year-old man.

Since these allegations became public, Virgil Texas has not issued a denial nor has he outlined his version of events. But the biggest problem he faces isn’t people demanding a response to the allegations from his current podcast co-host Briahna Joy Gray in Twitter replies but the possibility of going to federal prison on child pornography charges.

Federal statutes are clear: Getting a person to record and/or transmit sexual images of a minor (meaning someone under the age of 18) is illegal and carries with it a minimum sentence of 15 years and transmitting such material across state lines (unclear if Texas and his accuser were in the same state at the time) carries with it a minimum sentence of 5 years. Below are relevant excerpts from the Department of Justice website explainer on what constitutes child pornography:

Virgil Texas aka Justin Cass may have violated federal anti-child porn statutes.
Virgil Texas aka Justin Cass may have violated federal anti-child porn statutes.

A second Department of Justice website makes clear that Virgil Texas’ grooming tactic is commonly employed by those who sexually exploit children:

Virgil Texas aka Justin Cass may have violated federal anti-child porn statutes.

The other thing Texas might need to worry about is the potential that other victims will come forward since he’s been rumored to have a thing for ‘dating’ minors:

This post will be updated if new facts come to light.



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